Friday, December 10, 2010

Six Social Media trends via Harvard Business Review

This is still interesting that a lot of businesses do not know the power behind social media. For the past I say 8 years, social media is becoming more prevalent in daily lives (i mean, look at the Facebook like or Tweet button). When you rule out those kind of plugins or share buttons, you are potentially losing out on a lot of prospects. Prospects = clients. Clients = dollars. It's better to join and get indexed with Google and the numerous social media outlets than to just live in the 90's and early 2000's. The thing with this generation is that communication is key! Millions even billions of dollars can be made in one tweet or a convo status on facebook because people like that easy accessibility, that personal connection to the company. I won't go into this any further, but the article definitely speaks for itself. These are some very solid points, and some great things to think about for you future blogger/social media heads. Peep the link below:

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